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There isn’t a single element of the industry we don’t know, from the boards and boots on your feet, to the gear you wear, to the very best places to go. Over the years we’ve created award winning, attention grabbing campaigns for a wide range of ski resorts, shops and equipment providers, including Sun Valley, Mission Ridge, Crystal Mountain, Shred Optics, K2, Sturtevant’s and, well, we could go on and on. The point is that you have a unique, exciting story to tell at Silverton Mountain, and we have the knowledge and experience necessary to help you tell it. Check out more of the work we love to do below.
We’ve been working with these guys for over 15 years now, and together we’ve seen a lot of changes in the industry. Successful ongoing campaigns include promotions for season passes, special events and youth programs. Check out some of that work below. I guess our best advocate would be Guy, just ask him... we're fun to work with and our expertise speaks for itself.
Season Pass Campaign: "Don't Wait" :30 second content
See our promotional crowd pop up prior to the Seattle Seahawks
game at:

Season Pass Campaign: "Don't Wait" Print, digital, transit and outdoor
Season Pass Campaign: "Somthin' Good" :30 second content

Season Pass Campaign: "Somthin' Goodt" Print, digital, transit and outdoor
Season Pass Campaign: "Last Season" :30 second content

Season Pass Campaign: Last Season" Print, digital, transit and outdoor
We pretty much did it all for Targhee, including trail maps, airport signage, direct mail pieces and multi-platform materials. We even took an occasional ride with their grooming crews and got in a few runs under a full moon. GT is a true diamond in the rough.

Grand Targhee Resort: Print, direct mail, digital
We started working with Jared about 5 years ago. He was looking to do some very "un" ski marketing and something that would get people to notice their products. Most ski and snowboard manufacturers marketing is pretty cookie cutter. We decided to shake things up a bit.

2017 Print, digital, transit and outdoor
We created a philanthropic event for POW called "gLOVINGhands." The idea was that by sending POW your old gloves, they would donate them to Goodwill Industries and the sender would receive a considerable price reduction on a new pair of POW Gloves. We created this micro site to register and fulfill the return and receive promotion.

The agency also created viral, digital, and cross sell gLOVINGhands materials.

We also created viral, digital materials for them as well
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